Part 106: December 14 - December 16: Crushing the Hopes of Japanese Neckbeards
-The Path is Open-

A rough version of Rise Kujikawa's finalized design. Since Rise is an idol who has tasted both the bitter and the sweet, she was designed as a girl who could express both.

The finalized design for Himiko, Rise Kujikawa's Persona. It's based on the Queen of Yamatai, mentioned in historical records such as the Gishiwajinden. The magic she uses has been incorporated into the design as an antenna.

We've been running into each other quite a lot, haven't we? Do you remember...what Adachi said? Inaba will disappear into the fog by the end of the year...Nobody has been kidnapped, but we still need to be conscious of our time limit now. It's important to be ready for what lies ahead, but we should hurry.

You're right.

If Adachi was telling the truth, then the lives of all mankind are at stake! This is no longer at the level of any other murder investigation...We have to make sure we stop him, no matter what!
-Fearful Experience-
Girls' voices: Hey, did you hear? The fog made someone faint...Oh yeah. I heard it was someone from 3-3...But we don't know what really caused it, right? No point in panicking...I'd worry more about getting a gas mask! If you don't, you could be next!

Hey! Be quiet, everyone! Class is still in session. No talking!
> The uproar continues...
> Marie is in low spirits...

...Hm...Then...I'll go.
> Samegawa riverbank...You brought Marie here. She seems quiet...Fog has enveloped the area...

Hey, I wanna see a dolphin. Bring out a dolphin. I'm gonna count to three. By the time I get there, I'd better see a dolphin. You got it?
> Marie seems especially irritable today...

One...Two...Three. Hey. Where's my dolphin? Helloooooo?...This sucks.
Hang on, we can do this. Where'd that Sea Guardian get to?


Does your head hurt again?

No, it doesn't. My head doesn't hurt as long as I don't think too much.
> Marie seems absent-minded...

...It doesn't matter anymore. I stopped trying to remember. There's no point in trying to look for any answers, and in the end I couldn't figure anything out anyway.

Don't give up.

What can I do about it!? I can't remember...I can't remember anything! Thinking makes my head hurt, and even if something comes up, it vanishes the next instant! I hate this...Stupid! Jerk!


Just leave me alone...! I hate this...My head hurts...

All I want to to just remember!
> You can sense Marie's heart-rending emotion...

Forget it...I'm tired of it all. My memory, this fog...

...I'm better off not knowing. I wish everything would just disappear...
> You take Marie back to the Velvet Room and go home...
I still don't know if relationship fortunes actually do anything for Aeon. It always takes two extra days to complete, and it seems like you get those scenes whether or not the game tells you Aeon is ready to advance. Still, better safe than sorry.
> You overhear students talking.
Bespectacled student: Countless black creatures crawl out of the fog and infest the town...The town gets overrun by them and...The people who inhaled fog turned into them too! And the last person that appeared...looked just like me...What should I do? I don't feel good...
Guy with a backpack: People turning into monsters...? That sounds awesome! It's like some kind of anime! I wonder how it feels to turn into a monster!
Bespectacled student: Huh, how it feels? Well, I guess...If everyone was turned into monsters, that'd be okay. If everyone's becoming a creature, why should I worry about becoming one!? Ahaha, it'll just be like we're evolving into another species!
> Marie looks depressed...

Okay...Hey. About that last time...Sorry...I want to talk with you alone.
> You decide to listen to Marie in a quiet place...The hill overlooking town...You brought Marie here. She is surprisingly quiet...Fog has enveloped the area...
> Marie is constantly bothered by the fog. What is bothering her...?

...I'm actually scared that I can't remember anything. Everything about me is borrowed. just on loan from that room. If I return what I borrowed, I won't have anything left. The name Marie, this body, this voice...They'll all fade away. I feel like that's what'll happen to me.

So I thought...If only I could at least remember something.

But...I couldn't figure out anything. It's really scary...


Maybe I don't have any real memories to find...
-Girl of the Hollow Forest-


Hey...Is this that one place? We came here after eating the...fsteak fskewers? It really is nostalgic here...I don't know why, but it feels like I've known this scenery since a long time ago.

And yet...the fog erases it all. You can't see anything.

I had fun there. Take me there again sometime, okay?

You remember.

Of course I remember, you stupidjerkfacetwer--

I remember...It's a memory. A memory of you and me...

Yeah...I remember. Haha, I feel stupid now...It feels...incredible.
> Marie closes her eyes, as if reminiscing something...

Hey, can we make more? More memories...

I'll help.

Dummy...Of course you will. I can't make any without you...

...I don't have to hurry, huh? Even if I don't have memories, I can make more.

Haha, thank you...I'm sorry, it's just that I'm happy.
> It seems Marie has cheered up...

Still, you really are a weird person. You're so busy, and yet you still take time to take care of me...Why do you do that?
> Marie looks at you with anticipation...However, you are already in a relationship with another girl...

I guess this is another weird anime thing, where a boy and a girl are made to spend time with each other and they just sort of decide that it's love even if there's no chemistry whatsoever?

Friend...I see, so this is what it means to have friends.

Thank you...I'm so happy. I'm your friend now. Look...I'm really counting on you. So let me say: stupid, I hate you.
> You and Marie talk about everything that has happened as you escort her back to the Velvet Room...

So, this is going to be the final battle! Finally, huh? I've been thinking about when I made the decision to come here. *giggle* I came here thinking that I could find myself in the peace and quiet of a little country town. But, I have no regrets.

I'm glad I met you.

Me, too.

We can't lose to that Adachi! Let's beat him and bring him to justice! I'll do my best to help you until the very end!

Let's win, and give Nanako-chan something to smile about!
-Fearful Experience-
Female student: Did you already buy a gas mask!? How much was it?
Male student: I dunno. My parents bought it for me. Whatever, I'm safe now. Check it out, I heard that if you catch colds easily, then you've got a higher chance of getting sick from the fog.
Female student: Seriously!? Oh my god...I'm totally like that...
Mr. Kondo: Shut uuuuup! No talking! You're still in class! This city is known to get covered in fog every 50 years. Don't worrrrrry about it! That's what the TV said, anyway...So let's get down to business, shall we?
> The uproar continues...
-Like A Dream Come True-
> Your room...You brought Rise here at her request.

...I am currently in Senpai's room. It seems quite clean for a boy of his age...Uh, ummm...Th-There doesn't seem to be anything lying around that he wouldn't want me to see...
They're right there on the shelf, is she blind? Is that why Himiko has that visor thing?

Now then, where could the goods in question be hiding...!? I'll ask the man himself! So--where do you hide them!?

What do you mean?

Oh, stop acting all normal...! You know how embarrassed I feel right now? Geez...I've never been in a guy's room before, so I tried covering it up, and you...You meanie...

Senpai...You're leaving in the spring, right? I've made up my mind about something. You see...

I'm thinking of going back into showbiz this spring. I am Risette, after all...And when I consider it that way, I think I can have more fun working.

I know how hard it is for a star to make a comeback after an entire year's absence...But even then, I want to start over from the beginning. Do you remember the fan who gave me that letter? I'll do it for her, for my old manager, Inoue-san...For my family, everyone, you...And for myself.
> Rise's eyes are shining...

Senpai, this...I want you to have it, Senpai.
> You obtained Signed Photo.

It's the one we took at school. I look really normal, don't I? But even then, I signed it Risette. A Risette without a fake smile...

Senpai...I won't make the same mistake. There's no such thing as a me who isn't me. So I won't run away...I won't try to be someone I'm not.

There's a lot of Rises inside me. I won't try to change them. Instead, I'll let people know that those Rises exist...That's the me I want to be...
Back when I started this whole mess, I decided the name Genjo-sanzo had a good strong sound and a neat history. If I'd checked that history just a little more carefully, I might have noticed this next bit:
-Strength of Heart-
> Rise's strong will that allowed her to accept and overcome her weakness has awakened her heart's true power...
> Rise's Persona has been reborn...! Himiko has transfigured into Kanzeon!
Avalokitasvara--"Witness to the World's Lamentations." The bodhisattva of compassion.
I probably should have stuck with my original impulse, and named the dude Maniac Magee.

Oh well. I guess this works. It's all like...ironical and shit, right?
-Like A Dream Come True-

I see...I've become a little stronger.

Thanks to you...being with me. Umm...Senpai...As long as you're watching me, I'll do my best...So...ummm...Well...I'm happy doing anything if you're there with me...Well...

Oh, c'mon! I've confessed my love hundreds of times on TV!! Why can't I do it in person...?

> Rise, her face red, is at a loss for words...

Umm...I'm sure I can hang in there as long as you're watching me. Because...


You're special to me...
> You can sense Rise's unconditional love...You feel a tight bond between you and Rise...
The last Lovers benefit is similar, but superior to the rest of the team's Rank 9 ability. Once per battle, if Sanzo is knocked out, Rise can haul him back to his feet and fully restore his HP and SP.
-The Path is Open-
Rise has made her choices...

...and found something else to believe in.
-Like A Dream Come True-

No matter what I'm doing...I am me. I can say that for sure now.

And the strength to say so...It was you who found it for me.

I'm going to like the me you found. After all...I like the you who found her. Senpai...I love you...I love you. Senpai, keep watching me...So I won't mess up again...Look at me...Umm...Well, I...I've never gone through this kinda thing, so...Umm...If we were on a TV set, this'd be a wrap...So, uh...What am I supposed to do after this...?
> You passed a long while with Rise...It has gotten dark, so you walked Rise to her house.